Gunsmoke Splatmaster Kids
Low impact paintball for 8 - 12 year olds

Come and play low impact paintball at Gunsmoke Paintball Splatmaster Kids at Layer Marney, Colchester Essex.  Especially for 8 to 12 year olds, you can now experience the thrill and excitement of playing paintball on our 31 acre purpose built paintball site.

You need to have parental consent and parents are also welcomed to attend (at least 1 adult must be in attendance) and we have a secure indoor safe area where refreshments are available.  Minimum numbers for a booking is 10 players.

To book your paintball party, simply call Julie on 07790 143118 or alternatively email or use our contact form at the bottom of this page.

Each session is for a 2 hour duration.  This is made up of 30 mins for the safety briefing, issue of equipment and some time on the shooting range to hone your marksmanship skills followed by a full 1 hour of back to back game play and then 30 mins afterwards for handing back equipment and a short party.  We supply everything needed to play the only things you need to bring is food for your party (although there is a pizza restaurant locally).

The £30 game fee per person (minimum 10 players) includes hire of JT Splatmaster pump marker, full head protective Goggles, and unlimited paint.  For all Splatmaster Kids bookings payment is required in full at time of booking and is non-refundable or transferable.

What to expect

The easiest way to give you an idea of what to expect is to watch our trailer.

You can expect a fun filled session, unlimited paint and some exciting and challenging games.  At Gunsmoke Paintball we want you to have a great time.

We have games on our silo field, the barricade field and also the woodland field.  Each game is different and we have scenarious such as band of brothers (team with the most captured armbands wins), Supply Drop (capture fuel drums in the woods), Team Deathmatch (annihilate the other team) and Duel (team who scores most time on the buzzer wins).

Make sure you check out the slideshow below for more photos of the action.

All you need to play is parental consent and a group of friends, please note that an adult must be in attendance.

Click here to download the consent form.
Click here to download our information leaflet


Following the safety briefing, all players are kitted out with:

  • Full head protective goggles
  • Armoured chest protector
  • JT Splatmaster pump marker
  • Unlimited paintballs

Please note that the paintballs used are non toxic and biodegradeable and paint will easily wash off with water so you can wear your regular clothes although we do recommend wearing suitable outdoor footwear.

Paintball for 8 to 12 year olds
Book Now

To book your paintball session, you can complete the contact form or alternatively call Julie on 07790 143118 or alternatively email stating paintball for 8 to 12 year olds booking.

Please note that we will confirm bookings with you so please ensure that you supply a contact number.  To avoid any disappointment, you MUST book in or call in to reserve your place rather than just turning up on site on the day.